Hello Peeps! I hope that everyone reading this is safe and healthy. This post is about what I hope to get done while the Corona Virus is going on. I work for my dad’s company, Anyvoo, http://anyvoo.com so I’m not home all the time, but I still have days at the house. So without further adieu, MY LIST:

  1. Start sewing again!
  2. Write a short story (and complete it!)
  3. Write at least seven chapters on a book.
  4. Learn how to do splits, both side and front.
  5. Learn how to do a backbend.
  6. Learn how to do a handstand.
  7. Learn how to do a backbend into a handstand!
  8. Make a LEGO stop motion.
  9. Start a video series on this blog! Hopefully a LEGO series, but I don’t know yet.
  10. Make a cover of a song I love.

So, I have ten things! Not to bad, I think. But don’t worry, I will be posting all the things I do from this list, and if you are curious about how those gymnastic moves turn out (Like I am), subscribe at the bottom of the page, and get an email when I post, so you can be sure to see my AWESOME attempts at those splits! And tell me your To-Do lists in the comments, or try one off of my list! Well, see you later, crocodile (I mean, alligator. Heh heh.)

4 Replies to “My Covid-19 To-Do List”

  1. Sounds like a “rigorous” list!! Lots of good energy there! I’m pretty sure you’ll get them all accomplished.

    I’ve made 15 face masks for Anmed hospital and 4 for some dear friends. Made one “utility” (which basically means warm and usable but not very pretty) bed quilt and have started another hopefully better appearing bed quilt.

    Continue on, sweet Granddaughter. Love you💕

    1. Thank you, Grandma! My list is very long and big, and a bit daunting! Wow, that’s a lot of face masks! Those are all great things and I’m sure they are going to help a lot of people! Stay safe and I love you!

  2. Great list! Very good stuff! My to-do list is: 1. Finish exams. 2. Do five days a week of exercise. 3. Be awesome. LOL.

    1. Thanks! I love your To-Do list! I’m sure you can do all those things, and you have already accomplished being awesome! Love you!

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